Scarica per Tapo C500
Modelli e versioni variano a seconda dell'area geografica.
Per prodotti in uso in Italia, utilizzare solo risorse presenti sul sito .
È strettamente necessario verificare modello e versione hardware prima di scaricare ed installare ogni firmware.
- Product Overview
Setup Video
How to Set Up Your Outdoor Pan&Tilt Security Wi-Fi Camera (Tapo C500/TC40/Tapo C510W)
Tapo Outdoor Security Wi-Fi Camera is a full-featured weatherproof security camera that you can access from anywhere. High resolution videos deliver crystal-clear images while smart motion detection and instant notifications make sure you never miss a thing. Moreover, the automatic siren system will trigger light and sound to frighten away unwanted visitors after the camera detects motion. Finally local storage with a microSD card provides security, convenience, and peace of mind. Day or night, rain or shine, the Tapo camera protects what you love most.
More Fold -
How to Mount Your Outdoor Pan&Tilt Security Wi-Fi Camera (Tapo C500/TC40/Tapo C510W/Tapo C520WS)
Tapo Outdoor Security Wi-Fi Camera is a full-featured weatherproof security camera that you can access from anywhere. High resolution videos deliver crystal-clear images while smart motion detection and instant notifications make sure you never miss a thing. Moreover, the automatic siren system will trigger light and sound to frighten away unwanted visitors after the camera detects motion. Finally local storage with a microSD card provides security, convenience, and peace of mind. Day or night, rain or shine, the Tapo camera protects what you love most.
More Fold
- How to get the log of Tapo app
- How to configure the spotlight of Tapo cameras
- How can I view continuous recordings of Tapo&Kasa cameras on the Tapo app?
- Domande generali sulla telecamere Tapo
- What can I do if the Tapo app is not working properly (smart plug, smart camera, smart bulb)?
- Simultaneous Camera Viewing on the Tapo App for Pad
- How to create Smart Action (Automation or Shortcut) on Tapo app
- Quali schede microSD sono supportate sulle telecamere Tapo e Kasa?
- Come posso riprodurre un live streaming RTSP della mia telecamera Tapo?
- What should I do if the email shows that the link expired when I register cloud account or reset my password?
- Come impostare zone di rilevamento sulla tua telecamera Tapo
- How to use the Pan & Tilt function of the Tapo / Kasa cameras on the Tapo App
- How to edit Home and Away Mode for Tapo&Kasa Cameras on the Tapo app
- How to unbind cloud account with devices in mobile App
- What can I do if I forget my password of the cloud account (Tapo smart plug, smart camera, smart bulb)
- What're the automation and shortcut of my Tapo device (smart bulb, smart plug, smart camera)?
- How to check and improve the network connection stability of Tapo&Kasa smart devices
- How can I get the invoice for my Tapo Care/Kasa Care subscription?
- How to do Pan & Tilt Correction on Tapo cameras
- Come condividere i dispositivi smart Tapo con altri utenti
- Cosa devo fare se non ricevo l'e-mail quando registro l'account cloud o reimposto la password?
- What can I do if the Smart Action/Automation doesn’t take effect as expected?
- How to Configure Tapo / Kasa Devices to Work with Samsung SmartThings
- Cannot use the Tapo/Kasa app to control my smart devices
- How to set up Patrol Mode on Tapo cameras
- How to use the Alexa Announcement feature of the Tapo Camera and Doorbell
- How to position my TP-Link camera for optimal performance
- What should I do if I experience issues when watching playback videos from an SD card?
- How to find the hardware and firmware version of my TP-Link device
- What should I do if the SD card cannot be formatted/recognized?
- How to Use Siri to Control Your Tapo or Kasa Smart Devices
- Come sottoscrivere un abbonamento Tapo Care?
- How to turn on Precise Location for the Tapo App
- How to improve the motion tracking effect of my camera
- How to reduce motion detections from rain, snow or insects,etc
- Tapo/Kasa Devices are showing offline after changing or resetting the router.
- How can I conduct 3DS authentication when purchasing Tapo Care
- What Is the Subscription Pricing of the Tapo Care Plan?
- How to upgrade or downgrade my Tapo Care subscription
- What to do if the Tapo Camera image color is abnormal?
- Why can't I view the live stream of the Tapo camera continuously?
- How to save and download videos from Tapo devices
- How to configure the Notification feature for the Tapo & Kasa devices on the Tapo app
- How can I find the IP address of my Tapo&Kasa camera
- How to Use the Room Feature in the Tapo App
- What should I do if I can't view the Tapo&Kasa camera?
- Come utilizzare la funzione di rilevamento del movimento della mia videocamera attraverso l'app Tapo
- How to configure the Alarm feature for the Tapo Cameras on the Tapo app
- How to use the Privacy Mode of my Tapo&Kasa cameras
- How to create or change the camera account on the Tapo app
- Come aggiornare il firmware di una telecamera Tapo utilizzando l'app Tapo
- How to unbind the account (TP-Link ID) with Tapo&Kasa smart devices in the Tapo app
- Where can I find detection recordings of Tapo&Kasa cameras on the Tapo app?
- What can I do if the video image is upside down on my Tapo&Kasa camera
- How to Add A Group for Your Tapo Devices
Firmware Release Note
Refer the FAQ to update firmware.
Tapo C500(EU)_V1_1.1.4 Build 240506 |
Data di pubblicazione: 2024-06-04 |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: |
Tapo C500(EU)_V1_1.1.3 Build 231213 |
Data di pubblicazione: 2024-01-11 |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: |
Tapo C500(EU)_V1_1.1.2 Build 231107 |
Data di pubblicazione: 2023-11-21 |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: |
Tapo C500(EU)_V1_1.1.1 Build 230908 |
Data di pubblicazione: 2023-10-12 |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: |
Tapo C500(EU)_V1_1.0.6 Build 230609 |
Data di pubblicazione: 2023-08-03 |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: |
Tapo C500(EU)_V1_1.0.4 Build 230412 |
Data di pubblicazione: 2023-05-09 |
Tapo C500(EU)_V1_1.0.4 Build 230412 |
Tapo C500(EU)_V1_1.0.3 Build 230404 |
Data di pubblicazione: 2023-04-12 |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: |
Tapo C500(EU)_V1_1.0.2 Build 230210 |
Data di pubblicazione: 2023-03-16 |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: |
- TP-Link Tapo
TP-Link Tapo offre il modo più semplice per gestire e controllare i vostri prodotti smart life.