Download für Tapo D230S1 V1.20

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WICHTIG: Die Verfügbarkeit von Modellnummer und Hardwareversion hängt von Ihrer Region ab. Bitte schauen Sie auf Ihrer lokalen TP-Link-Webpräsenz nach, um die Produktverfügbarkeit zu überprüfen.

Setup Video

  • How to Set Up Your Tapo Video Doorbell Camera Kit (Tapo D230S1)

    With Tapo Video Doorbell Camera Kit, you always know what happens in front of your door through the Tapo app. The starlight sensor and 2K 5MP resolution help the doorbell captures all the fine details even in low-light environments.

  • How to Install Your Tapo Video Doorbell Camera Kit (Tapo D230S1)

    With Tapo Video Doorbell Camera Kit, you always know what happens in front of your door through the Tapo app. The starlight sensor and 2K 5MP resolution help the doorbell captures all the fine details even in low-light environments.


Häufig gestellte Fragen

Firmware Release Note

Refer the FAQ to update firmware.


TP-Link Tapo

TP-Link Tapo bietet den einfachsten Weg, um Ihre Smart-Life-Produkte zu verwalten und zu steuern.