Pobierz TC71 V2

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Przegląd produktów


  • How to Reset Your Tapo Pan&Tilt Camera (Tapo C220/TC71)

    Tapo smart cameras do much more than traditional cameras. High resolution videos deliver crystal-clear images while smart motion detection and instant notifications make sure you never miss a thing. Two-way audio lets you communicate with your loved ones in real time.

    Rozwiń więcej
  • How to Install microSD Card for Tapo Pan&Tilt Camera (Tapo C220/TC71)

    Tapo smart cameras do much more than traditional cameras. High resolution videos deliver crystal-clear images while smart motion detection and instant notifications make sure you never miss a thing. Two-way audio lets you communicate with your loved ones in real time.

    Rozwiń więcej
  • How to Mount Your Tapo Pan&Tilt Camera (Tapo C220/TC71)

    Tapo smart cameras do much more than traditional cameras. High resolution videos deliver crystal-clear images while smart motion detection and instant notifications make sure you never miss a thing. Two-way audio lets you communicate with your loved ones in real time.

    Rozwiń więcej
  • Tapo Smart Camera Unboxing and Configuration Video


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