Pobierz Archer AX55 V4

WAŻNE: Dostępność modeli i wersji sprzętowych zależy od regionu. Możesz sprawdzić dostępne produkty na lokalnej stronie TP-Link (www.tp-link.com.pl).


  • How to Resolve Double NAT using Starlink

  • How to Configure a TP-Link Router with Starlink

  • How to Set up Address Reservation on TP-Link Routers Windows

    This video will show you how to set up Address Reservation on TP-Link routers.

    Rozwiń więcej
  • How to Set up OpenVPN on TP-Link Routers Windows

    This video will show you how to set up OpenVPN on a TP-Link Wi-Fi router. For more information, visit www.tp-link.com/support.

    Rozwiń więcej
  • How to setup PPTP VPN on TP Link routers Windows

    This video will show you how to set up PPTP VPN on a TP-Link Wi-Fi router. For more information, visit www.tp-link.com/support

    Rozwiń więcej
  • How to Set up TP-Link Wireless Router (Archer AX73, etc.)

    This video will show you how to connect and configure a TP-Link Wi-Fi router. For more information, visit www.tp-link.com/support.

    Rozwiń więcej
  • What should I do if I cannot access the internet? - Using a DSL modem and a TP-Link router

    If you can’t access the internet using a DSL modem and TP-Link router, this video can help you solve the problem.

    Rozwiń więcej
  • What should I do if I cannot access the internet? - Using a cable modem and a TP-Link router

    If you can’t access the internet using a cable modem and TP-Link router, follow this video step by step to solve your problem.

    Rozwiń więcej
  • How to turn a router into an Access Point?

  • How to set up Port Forwarding on a TP-Link router

    Take Archer A7 as demonstration.

    Rozwiń więcej
  • How to change the Wi-Fi settings on TP-Link router



TP-Link Tether

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