End of Life

VIGI 3MP Turret-Netzwerkkamera

  • 3MP Ultrahochauflösend: Die VIGI C400 Kamera verfügt über 3 MP - mehr als genug Pixel, um auch die kleinsten Details zu erfassen.
  • 4/6-mm-Objektiv: Ob Sie ein Weitwinkelobjektiv für geschlossene Räume oder ein größeres Objektiv für größere Entfernungen im Freien benötigen, die C300 ist mit zwei verschiedenen Objektivversionen ausgestattet, um Ihren Sicherheitsanforderungen besser gerecht zu werden.
  • Smarte Erkennung (Bewegungserkennung, Zutrittserkennung, Linienüberschreitung, Videomanipulation): Erhalten Sie Benachrichtigungen und können die Aufnahmen überprüfen, wenn jemand eine Grenze überschreitet, einen von Ihnen festgelegten Bereich betritt oder die Kamera behindert.
  • Smartes Infrarot: Verhindert die Unterbelichtung von Objekten in der Ferne und die Überbelichtung von Objekten in der Nähe der Kamera bei Nacht.
  • WDR: Passt den Beleuchtungskontrast an, um Schatteneffekte zu minimieren und die Bilder naturgetreu wiederzugeben.
  • 3D DNR: Entfernt abnormale Verpixelungen, um klarere Videos zu liefern und vermeidet Verzerrungen.
  • Nachtsicht: Ein robustes Nachtsichtsystem sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Kamera auch bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen eine gute Leistung erbringt und das Geschehen für spätere Überprüfungen aufzeichnet.
  • H.265+: Ohne zusätzliche Bandbreite zu verbrauchen, übertragen Ihre Kameras komprimierte, kristallklare Videos, um Speicherplatz zu sparen, die Netzwerklast zu verringern und die Überwachungskosten zu senken, ohne die Bildqualität zu beeinträchtigen.
  • PoE/12V DC: Zwei Stromversorgungsmöglichkeiten bieten Ihnen nicht nur mehr Komfort, sondern erleichtern auch die Verkabelung erheblich.
  • VIGI App: Verwalten Sie Ihre Sicherheit mit der VIGI App von der Handfläche aus.

Security Never
Shuts Down

3MP Turret Network Camera

VIGI C400 Series


    Smart Detection




    Remote Monitoring


    Night Vision


    12V DC PoE

Looking for a higher resolution? It's right here.

3MP Ultra-High Definition

The VIGI C400 camera comes with 3MP—more than enough pixels to pick up some of the more discrete details.

Choose the right lens for your security.

2.8/4 mm Lens

Whether you need a wide angle lens to cover enclosed spaces like elevators or a higher millimeter lens for longer distances in open spaces like parking lots, C400 comes with two different lens versions to better suit your security needs.

Field of View:


Distance and Detail:

 Identify - Capture every detail to accurately name a person.

 Distinguish - See enough features to tell different individuals apart.

We keep an eye on your business.

Smart Detection

Receive notifications and check feeds when someone crosses a boundary, enters an area you've set, or obstructs the camera.


    Motion Detection

    Get instant notifications when your camera detects motion.


    Area Intrusion

    Set customized activity zones around key areas for more focused monitoring.



    Set a boundary and receive an alert anytime a person crosses it from either or both directions.


    Camera Tampering

    Receive alerts when someone obstructs the camera.

Never miss a detail.

SmartVid-Smart Video Enhancement

Smart IR

Keeps objects from being under-rendered when far away or overexposed when close to camera at night.

Without IR

With IR

Wide Dynamic Range

Adjusts for lighting contrast to minimize shadowing effects and renders images true to life.

Without WDR

With WDR


Removes abnormal pixelation to provide clearer video and eliminate distortion.

Without DNR

With DNR

Around-the-clock protection.

Night Vision

A robust night vision system ensures your camera performs well in low light conditions and records what’s happening for future inspection.

Normal Night Vision

VIGI Night Vision



15% Gap**




Video Coding Technology

More Compression. More Savings. More Quality.

Without using any extra bandwidth, your cameras transmit compressed crystal-clear video to save disk space, ease network loads, and reduce monitoring costs without sacrificing image quality.

Discover the best way to power your camera.

PoE/12V DC

Two power supply ways not only give you more convenience but also make your wiring remarkably easy.



POE Switch

12V DC





Flexible Installation Gives You More Convenience.

Easily route your camera's cable into a dropped ceiling or avoid drilling by slotting it through the camera's side outlet.


    One Wiring Way


    Second Wiring Way

Take full control over your security. Anytime, anywhere.

Three-Way Management


Build your network and manage your cameras all through your connected NVR. On-site management allows you to readily fix issues as they arise and check your system without any additional equipment.





Manage your security from the palm of your hand with the VIGI app.

The graphics on the left show three aspects of VIGI app management.

  • Easily choose a camera from the multi-display profile and move it to the top for a larger view to see more details.
  • Choose and adjust specific smart detection functions for customized monitoring.
  • Play back video feeds and find events in the video schedule.
Apple Store Google Store

VIGI Security Manager

When you are at home, control your security system from the convenience of your desktop, or laptop. Simply keep a tab on your web browser for easy, quick access to your video feeds.

Run your business with peace of mind.

The VIGI Solution

The VIGI professional surveillance system by TP-Link is dedicated to protecting the business you’ve worked hard to build—whenever, wherever. Our outstanding functions, reliable quality guarantees, and simplified installation work together to ensure your business stays safe and sound.

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